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Official Website of Western India Football Association
WIFA initiate coach education to boost more district participation in football

WIFA has appointed Coach and instructor Jeddy Almeida to help and improve Coach Education in district football

Appointed by WIFA, Instructor and coach Jeddy Almeida, who coaches the U15 side of Mumbai City FC, has been given the responsibility of helping and improving the district coaches to drive in more participation in football.

Jeddy would be training the coaches, showing them how to setup an academy and help them in understanding that player development is important to achieving success.

Other responsibilities would include helping them creating more local tournaments and events and help the district and coaches improves its overall football atmosphere.


1st to 4th August – In Basmat, District Hingoli

6th to 9th August 2019 – In District Nanded

11th to 15th August 2019 – In Udgir, District Latur

Due to prior club commitments, Jeddy would be departing Nanded on 8th August 2019 after which Augusto D’silva would continue with the program.